Step 1: Poor orphaned buttons.
How sad to be a button with nothing to close and open. Give them a JOB, or at least a little white paint.

Step 2: Old flannel shirt.
Almost everyone loves a nice flannel shirt. I am of those people. Why not use this beautiful shirt! For the loop to hang the wreath with just simply cut along the front of the shirt where the button holes are. After you've cut up the front of the shirt, lay that piece aside. Then you will want to cut a LONG, THICK piece of flannel. I cut the along the middle of the shirt (this is for your bow) If you want your bow to be skinny, then cut a skinny piece, I prefer mine thick! I am a fan of bows!

Step 3: GLUE!
The messy part of this DIY project is now. Plug in your glue gun and let it warm. Set aside 5 or 6 smaller buttons. When the gun is ready just simply take your wreath and glue the white buttons on evenly through out the wreath. Try not to leave any big spaces between them, you will almost all of them in the end. Give your wreath chicken pox, or button poxs :) After you are done with your buttons on the wreath take the 5 or 6 you've set aside and place them evenly on the strip of flannel with the button holes. Glue a button in between each hole. Then GLUE on back of the very top of the wreath. So when you hang it, the ends of the flannel strip won't show. ALSO glue the flannel where you see the little buttons you've just glued. Let the glue gun (still on) rest for a few minutes.

Step 4: Bow.
Now you make your bow out of your long strip of flannel. You can make it however you want, make it your own! I like my bows big! After you are satisfied with your bow, glue it the the top, front of your wreath. Glue it in the very center of the top.

Step 5: ENJOY!